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走得最急的,都是最美的风景,伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的. 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 如果你也是旅行者,热爱大自然加微博:可乐_pocheng,一起分享吧.

just one last dance - 达物拍摄  

2010-05-04 23:56:12|  分类: 外拍 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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We meet in the night in the Spanish café
I look in your eyes just don't know what  to say

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/buB1aJWmJ2YFL2l4vGgutw==/3336322898951436838.jpg">


It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/yEE9s9iDdULsgx528zdbjw==/3247658281288667497.jpg">


tomorrow will come an it's time to realize
our love has finished forever

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/f7qG8vCyzMnxTxBhWMS5Dg==/3369536946203883924.jpg">


how I wish to come with you

how I wish we make it through

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/9k9rKuCzBotWJi5qiSyLHw==/3345893048160166921.jpg">


Just one last dance
before we say goodbye

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/NJoB8oJ3sSNI3UdotaBl2g==/3343359773369202940.jpg">


when we sway and turn round and round and round
it's like the first time

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/caBdRuDlY1QG4aBqrfZ1nA==/3339137648718542766.jpg">


hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold

just one last dance - 达物拍摄 - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐e last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" alt=" just one last dance - 香草味可乐 - 香草味可乐" src="http://img.ph.126.net/5vqOlbkW8wpp0Y0L2vpwTA==/3339982073648674721.jpg">

The wine and the lights and the Spanish  guitar
I'll never forget how romantic they are
but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one love

There's no way to come with you
it's the only thing to do
Just one last dance, just one more chance

just one last dance

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